About Us

The View is a restaurant, bar and function venue located above the 18th green at Seaford Head Golf Course and offers visitors simply stunning views and a unique vantage point over Seaford Head golf course, Seaford Town and Seaford Beach. This is truly The View.

As well as a beautiful view, we are the ideal place to meet with friend and family for great food, drink and exceptional service. We offer everything from Sunday Roasts to Afternoon Teas and at selected weekends, afternoons and evenings, The View hosts a wonderful and diverse range of staged local events and entertainment - see our events for more information.

The View is also the ideal venue, for wedding receptions, funeral wakes and parties. Our venue offers a unique backdrop of seascapes, landscapes and skyscapes as well as affordable and competitive hire rates. Our venue is also used for corporate events that include training, meetings and conferences.

Many enjoy The View as their rendezvous with like minded enthusiasts for a round of golf challenging one of the great historical British golf courses or to partake lessons at the golfing academy - The View and Seaford Head Golf Course experience.


For many years the building served as a golfing clubhouse for members of the historic Seaford Head Golf Course. In 2015 requiring serious building maintenance, The View building was completely redesigned, modernised and transformed into the modern public multi-functional venue it is today.

The View as a building comprises of the main hallways to/from main entrance, modern washrooms and toilets, spacious café, kitchen, bar, meeting room, storage room, lift, patio garden, terrace and spacious L-shaped lounge with adaptable partitioning to segregate key areas for functions, weddings and events. The building has been eco-designed to save energy and water, recycle waste and taking advantage of the high cliff-top seafront position by generating energy with solar PV heating.

The View welcomes people from all over the town and region, as well as visitors and tourists from all over the UK and from abroad. With a rolling programme of events, golf and visiting groups from across the town and county, The View is rapidly evolving as a hub of the Seaford community.

What our customers are saying...

Tripadvisor: My family and I enjoyed a superb Sunday Roast here today, in a relaxing atmosphere, with great service and stunning views.AbbyC from Seaford, Visited March 2017

Tripadvisor: We are so glad we decided to book here for our family lunch. An excellent classical guitarist provided background music, and the venue was pretty full. The staff were attentive. The star of the show was the food. Lovely thick cuts of beef, yummy nut roast, veg cooked to perfection. Tasty starters and puddings too. Very impressed. Plus it was a beautiful day to sit and admire the sea viewsMartin710, Visited March 2017

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